Donate to AADR
There are so many ways you can donate to AADR - could you help us? Every donation will help save more and more dogs.
There are a number of ways in which you can help us at AADR ....
Donations: AA Dog Rescue is an organisation dedicated to saving and rescuing dogs who have been abandoned and are alone. We take them in, and nurture them until someone take them in and gives them the home they always dreamed of.
Some dogs that come in to us need vet attention and although they help where they can, medicine still costs money. Food, treats and equipment are also needed on a day to day basis.
If you would like to donate to our cause, please click on the "Donate" button ...
Easy Fundraising: With our new Easy Fundraising account you can also now donate as you shop! Sign up for free, shop online as you would usually do and cash reward from the retailer can be converted into a donation on your behalf to AADR. There are over 2700 retailers registered with Easy Fundraising including M&S, Ebay, Argos, John Lewis, Amazon, the big four supermarkets and companies such as Trainline.
Our fundraising team calculated our monthly costs - a useful guide to show our supporters where their donations go, or what they can specifically donate towards:
Food £550
Treats & Toys £150
Waste Removal £509
Electric £450
Water £200
Wages £4,000
Insurance £200
Petrol £600
Vets £4,000
Rent £1,200
Cleaning Fluid £280
Office costs £200
Cost per dog per month:
Food £15
Treats £10
Neutering £50
Worming £8
Flea Treatment £6
Microchip £10
Food & Equipment: We use so much different equipment and go through a lot of food at AA Dog Rescue. You can help!!! We have an Amazon Wish List showing everything we always need. Whether it be a toy, a lead or a collar, it all goes to a good cause. Click here for more.

It couldn't be easier to sponsor a dog in our care, or to gift a sponsorship to a friend or loved one for as little as £52/€59 for a year.
With around 120 dogs in our care at any one time, your support helps us gives every single one the very best care possible. While most dogs find a loving new home within about six weeks, some dogs need a little bit of extra care and love from us. Your support for these dogs can make the world of difference.
Sponsor as a Gift
Whether it's a birthday gift, a charity Christmas present or special anniversary surprise, sponsoring a dog is the perfect gift for dog-lovers. We take sponsorships from individual's, couples, families & companies/groups. Why not take out a sponsorship in memory of a much loved pet?
We have many beautiful dogs who are hoping you will consider sponsoring one of them.
What do sponsors receive?
Once you’re signed up, you’ll receive an update/photos by email from your chosen sponsor dog three times a year – at Christmas, Valentine’s Day and in the summertime.
What happens if my sponsor dog gets rehomed or passes away?
If your sponsor dog is adopted or passes away we will always email you and inform you, we then transfer your sponsorship to another dog on the scheme.
Please email the name of your chosen sponsor dog to and we will send you further details & ensure you receive updates.
SPONSOR A KENNEL: At AADR we think that it is just as important to make our dogs comfortable as it is to save their lives. We put a lot of effort into making sure that our dogs are housed in the best possible and you can help by sponsoring a kennel. It costs just £50 to sponsor a kennel for a year. Please email for details:
Please consider setting up a standing order via your online banking. If you are able to help in this way please email for our bank account details.